Hunt Down The Freeman Pre-Installed Game

A brand new adventure, a new protagonist, a new story, a new point of view. This is not a remake of a story that’s already been told, it’s a unique tale of a villain hunting the good guy. HDTF boasts an inventory system with many guns to chose from, managing ammunition among your weapons. If you run out of 9mm ammunition in your submachinegun, your 9mm pistol won’t work. Climb, scoot, and crawl around your enemies! HDTF did more than leaning when you run, Its pride and joy is the parkour system. Falling more than ten feet doesn’t mean death anymore. New faces, new voices. It’s time for a new cast, featuring some prominent multi-media celebrities. Over 45 Minutes of cinematic cutscenes, creates the perfect taste to the story. Time for a new toaster, we’ve added new higher resolution textures and high-poly models, pushing Source to the limit. READ The Included Text Files to get game working!!!  

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